Sunday, April 29, 2007

Nasreddin's Blanket

Late one night,Nasreddin was woken up by a terrible noise in the street outside his house.It sounded as if a terrible fight was going on ,and as Nasreddin loved nothing better than to watch a fight in the street,he opened his window and looked out.He saw two young men fighting just outside his front door,but when they saw him watching them,they went round the corner of the house and continued to shout at each other and to hit each other there.Nasreddin didn't want to miss anything,so he ran down and opened his front door,but as it was a cold night ,he wrapped himself in a blanket before he went out.He walked to the corner of his house and looked round it.The two men were still shouting and struggling.Nasreddin went closer to them,but to see the fight better and to try to find out what the men were fighting about.But as soon as he was within easy reach of the men,they stopped fighting,attacked him,seized his blanket and ran away into the darkness with it.
Nasreddin was too old to run after them,so he could do nothing but go sadly back to bed without his blanket.
Well,said his wife .What were they fighting about ?
It seems that they were fighting about my blanket,answered Nasreddin,because as soon as they got it,their quarrel ended !.

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