Sunday, April 29, 2007

Nasreddin and a widow

Nasreddin's wife was very ill,and at last she died,After a few months,Nasreddin married again.His wife was a widow.Exactly seven days after he married her ,she had a baby.Nasreddin at once hurried away to the market and bought some paper ,some pencil,some pens and some children's books.Then he hurried back home again with these things and put them besides the baby.His new wife was surprised.What are you doing ?she said .The baby wont be able to use those things for a long time.Why are you in such a hurry ?
Nasreddin answered,You are quite wrong my dear.Our baby is not an ordinary baby.It came in seven days instead of nine months,so it will certainly be ready to learn to read and write in a few weeks from now.

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