Sunday, May 6, 2007

Something about IRAN culture

IRAN has long been famous for its architecture,painting,and pottery.Early architects in Iran built magnificent mosques and palaces.They decorated the walls and domes with highly colored mosaic and tile designs.Traditional persian painting features delicate detail work and jewel-like colors.Three of the greatest persian poets-Ferdousi,Hafez,and Saadi-lived before 1400.The works of Hafiz are probably the most popular poems in Iran.people sometimes use his divan,a collection of philosophic poems,to help plan their lives.They open the book at random and use the first line they see as a guide to action.Iranian crafts workers make beautiful jewellery,pottery,and metalware.Their handwoven Persian rugs are prized throughout the world for their graceful patterns and soft colors.The complicated designs of the rugs often require months of labor to complete.Other traditional arts in Iran include embroidery,silk weaving,and wood carving.

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