Scientists once thought that only human beings had culture.But most of them now believe that animals also have some elements of culture.For example,some kinds of animals make and use tools and the members of many species communicates with one another by means of signs.Tool making consists basically of taking something found in the environment and using it for a purpose other than its original function.Elephants break off tree branches and wave them with their trunks to whisk away flies.Chimpanzees catch termites by peeling a twig and inserting the sticky,sappy end of the twig into a termite mound.When a chimpanzee pulls the twig out ,termites stick to it.Young chimpanzees learn this method of catching termites from older members of their group.The technique is a cultural trait that has been passed along from one generation of chimpanzees to the next.Many animals use various kinds of signs to communicate.For example,dogs bark and lay their ears back.Dolphins communicate with one another by means of barks,clicks,whistles,and other sounds.Scientists have taught chimpanzees to "speak " to people in sign language.However ,most scientists agree that any culture must include the use of symbols to be considered a culture.
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