گنجشک به خدا گفت : لانه کوچکی داشتم آرامگه خستگیم-سر پناه بی کسی ام بود. طوفان تو آن را از من گرفت کجای دنیای تو را گرفته بودم؟.خدا گفت:ماری در راه لانه ات بود .تو خواب بودی .باد راگفتم لانه ات را واژگون کند آنگاه تو از کمین مار پر گشودی .چه بسیار بلا ها را که از تو به واسطه محبتم دور کردم و تو ندانسته به اعتراض بر خواستی
Sparrow said God: I had a little nest.It was my sweet home, I rested in there and was a shelter for my solitude.Your storm got it from me!where I occupied and got your world?!.God said: A snake were going to your nest and your were slept!.I ordered to the wind that overturned your nest ,then you flied from snake .What a numerous dangerous events that I kept you from them because of my love to you! and you, without knowing anything objected and protested in front of me !
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