Ko Un is born in 1933 in Gunsan,north Jeolla province in South Korea,Ko.Un is Korea's foremost living writer .After immense suffering during the Korean war ,he became a Buddhist monk,his first poems were published in 1958,then a few years later he returned to the world.He became a leading spokesman in the struggle for freedom and democracy during the 1970s and 1980s.Ko.Un is a remarkable poet and one of human freedom in this half century,a religious poet who got tangled by accident in the terrible accidents of modern history,but he is somebody who has been equal to the task ,a feat rare among human beings.In 1942,by the time he was eight ,he had already studied classical Chinese texts that even much older children usually had difficulty in mastering.In 1942 when he was in grade three ,his Japanese head master asked him what he hoped to become in the future and got the answer;The Emperor of Japan !.Ko Un was severely punished for this effrontery.Before the war was over in 1952,he joined the Buddhist clergy and became the recognized disciple of the great monk Hyobong for the next ten years he lived a life of zen meditation,always on the move.He traveled the whole country ,living by aims.In a struggle for which he was often arrested and imprisoned ,he has published more than 120 volumes of poems,essays ,and fiction in recent years,selections from his work have been translated in to at least 14 languages.His books such as:The sound of my waves-"Flower of a moment"-The three way tavern-Ten thousand lives.
Japanese grocery stores are much smaller than in the U.S.A ,and watermelons wasted a lot of space most people simply told the grocery stores that watermelons grow round and there is nothing that can be done about it.But some Japanese farmers took a different approach .If the supermarkets wanted a square watermelon, they asked themselves,How can we provide one?.It wasn't long before they invented the square watermelon.The solution to the problem of round watermelons wasn't nearly as difficult to solve for those who didn't assume the problem was impossible to begin with and simply asked how it could be done.It turns out that all you need to do is place them into a square box when they are growing and the watermelon will take on the shape of the box .This made the grocery stores very happy and had the added benefit that it was much easier and cost effective to ship the watermelons.Consumers also loved them because they took less space in their refrigerators which are much smaller than those in the U.S meaning that the farmers could charge a premium price for them. مغازه های ژاپنی ها بسیار کوچکتر از آمریکایی ها می باشد بنابراین هندوانه گرد بیشتر جا می گیرد و حمل و نقل آن سختر است بنابراین کشاورزان ژاپنی به این عقیده رسیدند که شکل هندوانه را تغییر دهند و به این نتیجه رسیدند که هندوانه را از بدو رشد در جعبه مربع- مکعبی بگذارند و به این شکلی که می بینید درآمد و همه راضی شدند از فروشنده گرفته تا خریدار چون در یخچال هم بهتر این نوع هندوانه ها جا می گیرند و کوچکتر هستند به علاوه کشاورزان هم سود بهتری نصیبشان شد
Yalda is the name of longest night during the whole year and the night of the first day of winter season which from ancient time ,Iranian celebrated it;In this night they get to gether (children-parents-grand parents-grand children-uncles and aunts and their families)and start having fun,eating dinner together and eat fruits especially watermelon and nuts and so reading poems.Happy Yalda to all Iranian in all over the world.
Happy Holidays.Hope to have the best christmas days. Leave all your worries and think about positives and good future. With best wishes for all of you.
Oh yeah !from all over the world such as United states and Europe, even from Asia ,far east ,all stars and movie makers and producers and related positions have come and attended in 5th Dubai International Film Festival.The movie stars are so elegant and well dressed like before.For more informations go and search by yourself.Just Know that Dubai is center and capital of Emirates that located in middle east and persian golf.So luxury and modern city and a dream for all over the world's Tourists who know middle east.
The Russian second Aleksy dead 2 days ago.He was the leader of Russian Orthodox church and he was a great man during last 70 years in there,because he could alive God's religion over there during hard religion years in Russia.God bless him in another life. آلکسی دوم رهبر مسیحیان ارتدکس روسیه بود که 2 روز پیش فوت کرد و جمع کثیری از مسیحیان از گوشه و کنار روسیه در مراسم تشیع وی شرکت کردند.مرد بزرگی بود چون توانست در سال های سخت مذهبی در روسیه و 70 سال گذشته دین خدا را زنده و پایدار نگه دارد
Mostafa .Zamani is another movie star too.He is Iranian and persian .He is born in 1361 hejri-shamsi(Iranian Calender) which means in 1982(western Calender) and he is university student .Right now he is roll playing in TV series which is called "Yousuf the messenger" and Youzarsif in Ebriee language.Its so amazing .However there are many lacks at film's music and stages and so It could be so better than this.But the story and actors and actresses are so strong and they did their best.They have worked for this TV series about 10 years.Mostafa.Zamani is Roll playing instead of Youzarsif or Yousuf the prophet.
Parsa.Piroozfar is an IRANIAN and Persian movie star.As you see Iran has so many actor and artistic and active persons with high potential energy.They are not only professional but also beautiful and handsome too.Majority of them are so bold and family persons.No drinkers and no addicted to any other drugs.Good for them.
Amin.Hayaiee is another Iranian movie star.He is so well known and a family person.She is his wife that you may see in one of his pictures.There are so many movies that he attended in them .And so he is still so active.
به گزارش جام جم شاگردان حسین رضازاده با اقتدار تمام و کسب 11 مدال طلا-11 نقره و 2 برنز عنوان قهرمانی مسابقات وزنه برداری نو جوانان آسیا را به دست آوردند.در آخرین روز از مسابقات وزنه برداری قهرمانی نو جوانان آسیا در جی جوی کره جنوبی وزنه برداران وزن های 77-85- 94 و 94+ کیلوگرم به مصاف هم رفتند که با افتخار آفرینی نمایندگان ایران در این دسته ها تیم کشورمان با اقتدار تمام بر بام آسیا ایستاد
آفرین رضا زاده.معلم و مربی خوبی هم که هستی بگو ماشاالله Jame Jam press : Rezazadeh's students hit the Asia and they are No One in Asia .They got 11 gold medal- 11 silver medal and 2 bronze medal ,It was the last days of Asian youth athletic matches in jay joo South Korea.They competed in 77kg -85kg-94kg and 94+ kg that IRANIAN representatives with complete power and courageousness stood on the peak and roof of Asia ! Good for you Rezazadeh.You showed off that you are the best coach too!.
گنجشک به خدا گفت : لانه کوچکی داشتم آرامگه خستگیم-سر پناه بی کسی ام بود. طوفان تو آن را از من گرفت کجای دنیای تو را گرفته بودم؟.خدا گفت:ماری در راه لانه ات بود .تو خواب بودی .باد راگفتم لانه ات را واژگون کند آنگاه تو از کمین مار پر گشودی .چه بسیار بلا ها را که از تو به واسطه محبتم دور کردم و تو ندانسته به اعتراض بر خواستی
Sparrow said God: I had a little nest.It was my sweet home, I rested in there and was a shelter for my solitude.Your storm got it from me!where I occupied and got your world?!.God said: A snake were going to your nest and your were slept!.I ordered to the wind that overturned your nest ,then you flied from snake .What a numerous dangerous events that I kept you from them because of my love to you! and you, without knowing anything objected and protested in front of me !