The folklore of China is filled with stories of dragons.In the ancient Chinese stories ,dragons are not bad,and young men do not set out on quests to destroy them.Dragon emprors have beautiful daughters who want to find good kind peasant husbands and live happily ever after on earth.One dragon story takes place in the province of Sichuan,which has twenty-four small lakes called Dragon's Tears.The story of their name is a favorite Chinese legend.Wen Peng was a good peasant boy who lived with his widowed mother.He fished and sold his catch to support himself and his mother .One day he felt an enormous tug on his line.He fought and struggled and finally landed a huge ,golden fish.The fish gasped,"Please ,let me go,and I will reward you".Wen Peng felt sorry for the creature and returned it to the water.In return,the fish gave him a magic pearl.With the magic pearl,Wen Peng and his mother had all they needed and were very happy .A jealous neighbor saw their prosperity and became very suspicious."You are sending your son out to steal,"he told Wen Peng's mother."There is no other way for you to be doing so well."The mother was so frightened that she told the neighbor about the pearl.This only increased the neighbor's jealousy,and he was determined to get the magic pearl.As soon as Wen Peng came into the house,he and his men grabbed the boy and began to shake him,demanding the pearl.Wen Peng had hidden the pearl in his mouth,and the shaking made him swallow it.Wen Peng fainted,and when he woke,he asked his mother for water,He drank and drank but could not satisfy his thirst.He finally went down to the river where he had caught the fish.It seemed as if he would drink the river dry.As darkness came ,a huge storm arose.Wen Peng's mother watched in horror as her son slowly turned into a great dragon and started to fly away.She begged him not to go,but a gust of wind carried him into the sky as he called,"I am sorry,Mother.I cannot stay." "Come back.Come back,my son,"she continued to call.The dragon turned sadly,and great tears fell from his fiery eyes.After these drops fell to the ground,they formed the two dozen lakes of Sichuan.
Pure proximity is perhaps the most decisive in determining who will become friends.Our friends are likely to live nearby.Although it is said that absence makes the heart grow fonder,it also causes friendship to fade.while relationships may be maintained in absentia by correspondence ,they usually have to be reinforced by periodic visits,or they dissolve.Several researchers decided to investigate the effects of proximity on friendships.They chose an apartment complex made up of two-story buildings with five apartments to a floor.People moved into the project at random,so previous social attachments did not influence the results of the study.In interviewing the residents of the apartment complex,the researchers found that 44 percent said they were most friendly with their next-door neighbors,22 percent saw the people who lived two doors away the most often socially,and only 10 percent said that their best friends lived as far away as down the hall.People were even less likely to be friendly with those who lived upstairs or downstairs from them.
This painting is painted by "David.Kau ",in 45 minutes.He is one of the genius painters in this era.As you know an artist is not belonged to himself or his country .He is belong to all over the world.Lets pray and wish him the best,full happiness and the most promotion.Good Job !. این نقاشی متعلق به" دیوید .کا" میباشد که در مدت 45 دقیقه ای آن را ترسیم کرده.او یکی از نقاشان باهوش زمانه ما هست.همانطور که می دانید یک هنرمند متعلق به خودش و یا مملکتش نیست .او متعلق به همه دنیا هست.همه برای او دعا می کنیم وبهترینهاو بیشترین پیشرفت ها را در زندگی برای او می خواهیم و امیدواریم زندگی اش پر از شادی باشد
It is thought that sails were invented by the Egyptians around 3400 B.C Harnessing wind power for sea transport was a crucial factor in the development of civilization,enabling Egyptian sailors to carry the timber they needed from the thickly forested coasts of Lebanon,and later taking them to Cyprus where there were plentiful deposits of copper and to the coasts of Anatolia.Trade began to flourish in the eastern Mediterranean ,but of thousands of ships which came and went from Anatolian harbours,some were inveitably wrecked in storms.The ships and cargoes which sank to the seabed over the centuries are today providing illuminating evidence about maritime and commercial history.Since the first underwater excavations were carried out in Turkish coastal waters in 1960,much has been discovered about shipbuilding technology in antiquity and the commodities the ships were carrying.Undoubtedly,the most important wreck excavated so far is the Uluburun Wreck,which is the earliest of all,dating from the late ,Bronze Age.This ship sank 3300 years ago and is accounted one of the most important ten archaeological discoveries of the 20th century.The gold seal of Queen Nefertiti and a two-leaf wooden book,the oldest book in the world,are among the hundreds of remarkable finds.
There has been much speculation about the origin of baseball.In 1907 a special commission decided that the modern game was invented by Abner Doubleday ,a West Point cadet,at Cooperstown,New York, in 1839.One hundred years later the National baseball Museum was opened at Cooperstown to honor Doubleday.Historians,however,disagree about the origin of baseball.Some say that baseball comes from bat-and-ball games of ancient times.It is a matter of record that in the 1700s English boys played a game they called base ball.Americans have played a kind of baseball since about 1800.At first the American game had different rules and different names in various parts of the country-town ball,rounders,or one old cat.Youngesters today still play some of these simplified forms of the game.Baseball did not receive a standard set of rules until 1845,when Alexader Cartwright organized the Knicherbocker Baseball Club of New York City.The rules Cartwright set up for his nine-player team were widely adopted by other clubs and formed the basis of modern baseball.The game was played on "dimond " infield with the bases 90 feet apart.The first team to score 21 runs was declared the winner.By 1858 the National Association of Base Ball Players was formed with 25 amateur teams.The Cincinnati Red Stockings began to pay players in 1869.
در روز سیزدهم شهریور ماه 1355 حکیم و اندیشمندی بزرگ لب از سخن فرو بست که مقام علمی بین المللی آن در خارج از کشور بیشتر از ایران شناخته شده بود.وی کسی جز استاد پروفسور دکتر محسن هشترودی نبود.استاد در 22 دی ماه 1286 در تبریز دیده به جهان گشود و پس از تحصیل در مدارس اقدسیه سیروس به دارالفنون راه یافت.پس از چهار سالی که در رشته پزشکی در تهران مشغول بود جهت تحصیل در رشته مهندس عازم اروپا شد و در سال 1315 از دانشگاه سوربون فرانسه دکترای دولتی گرفت و به ایران باز گشت.در سال 1320 به مقام استادی دانشگاه تهران نائل آمد.نظرات استاد بسیار منطقی و بر اساس تفکر و تعقل بود.وی بر این عقیده بود که دمی تفکر به هزاران سال عبادت ترجیح دارد.استاد اکثر دانشجویان رشته ریاضی را به ادامه تحصیل در رشته علوم فضایی تشویق میکرد زیرا معتقد بود در فضا و در خارج از جو زمین معادلات نیروی مقاومت هوا وجود ندارد آنجا آزاد مطلق حکم فرماست.استاد می گفت :من گاهی می اندیشم که این ما هستیم که در دنیای جوانها زندگی میکنیم یا آنها هستند که در دنیای ما زیست میکنند و غالبا به این نتیجه رسیده ایم که این ما هستیم که در دنیای جوانها زندگی می کنیم و این دنیا در هر عصر و دوره ای که حساب کنیم به جوانها تعلق داشته است.استاد میگفت: درس خواندن در آن اوایل برای من تکلیف شاقی بود زیرا پیش خود فکر می کردم که این همه درس را برای برای چه باید یاد بگیرم؟(روزی استاد را به خاطر ضعف ریاضی از کلاس بیرون کردند)مخصوصا در ریاضیات بسیار ضعیف بودم و چه چوبها که به اتهام حل نکردن مسئله یا عدم درک درس ریاضی از کف معلم خوردم.فراموش نمی کنم که در سال ششم ابتدایی وقتی امتحان قوه می کردند معلوم شد که محسن هشترودی در ریاضیات به اندازه کلاس سوم هم سواد ندارد!استاد روی نقش پدر و مادر در تربیت کودک و جوانان بسیار حساس بود و بر این عقیده بود که روش اکثر پدر و مادر ها در مورد تشویق و ترغیب کودکان و جوانان به راه علم و معرفت غلط و اشتباه است.این نظریات استاد فقید دکتر محسن هشترودی بود.وی با آنکه از نظر علمی شخصیتی بین المللی بود هیچگاه برای خارجی کار نکرد و تمام عمر خویش را صرف تعلیم و تربیت جوانان کشور خود کرد.وی می گفت نان خشک خوردن در وطن از خدمت اجانب بهتر است. استاد می گفت اگر سنت جاری اجازه میداد جسد من در دانشگاه دفن شود آرزو می کردم که باز خاک نشین رهگذر قدم جوانان باشم.روحش شاد باد
Perfumes became popular in Europe in the 16th century,although only rich people could afford them.The main reason why people used perfum was to hide their smell,for in those days baths were rare .Queen Elizabeth I was thought to be exceptionally clean because she had a bath every three months.Gradually people became cleaner in their habits and the use of such violently strong perfumes.As valerian and undiluted civet went out of fashion.During the 20th century progress in chemistry has led to the introduction of many perfumery chemical that occur naturally in essential oils and many that do not .It is possible ,in fact to produce almost exact copies of flower oils with chemicals which come from such materials as coal tar and petroleum.
The early Greek had a calendar much like the Babylonian calender.So did the early Roman.But in Rome politics began to have something to do with the calendar .Whenever the priests did not like someone who was elected to an office,they would make his term short by not putting an extra month in the year even if it was required.On the other hand,they put in extra months,even when they were not needed,to make the terms of some officials longer.When Julius Caesar became the ruler of the Roman Empire,the calendar was very badly mixed up.Caesar decided to throw out their moon-month calender and start over.He asked some astronomers to help.For the new calendar they borrowed the idea of the year from Egyptians.The Egyptians had worked out the length of their year by watching the bright star Sirius.Their year began when Sirius appeared in the eastern sky at dawn,and was 365 days long.Caesar's astronomers decided that a year should be 365 1/4 days long.They decided to have 365 days in a year for three years . Then every fourth year they would have a leap year with 366days in it.Since they had decided not to have true moon months,they could make the months any length they pleased.They chose to divide the year into 12 months of about the same length.It was easy to see that they could have five 31 day months and seven 30 -day months.The Romans thought that odd numbers were lucky.To get an extra 31-day month,they took a day from a 30-day month-from February.