Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
A Persian Dish For Black princess.

Adas Polo
Serving: 2
Rice:2 cups
Lentil: 1 cup
white or yellow onion : 1 small
Red Dried Grape: 1/2 cup
Butter or
Vegetable oil: As your willing and your diet
Cinnamon: 1/2 teaspoon
Salt: On yours
1-wash the rice in the water 2 times .Then pour 2 1/2 cups of cold water in the rice and add salt in it and let it cook in the pan on the oven by 4 degree or cook your rice by electric rice cooker.
2-Don't forget that you have to add butter or vegetable oil in your rice and then let the rice cook completely.
3-Wash the lentil well and let it cook by water in the pan.Your lentils must not be mashed during the process.They must keep their shapes nicely.
4-After cooking the lentils add them to the rice .Just let them stay on top of the rice and then add cinnamon on them .Take the lid back on the rice again
5-Fry the red dried grapes in the vegetable oil for a 30 seconds up to 1 minutes,then add them to the mixture.Right now your dish is ready to eat.Just mix them and serve.
Anyway my dear jaleesa you could eat it with salad or pickle and even yogurt.its based on your taste.If you like to eat meat more by yourself, you could fry the grind meat with onion and add to your mixture or use of safran on your rice.Never forget that if you wanna fry your meat and use it in any kind of dishes, always use of black pepper ,turmeric and onion.Why? because they would get the bad smell of the meat and make it spicy with good aroma !.However pakistani or Indian people use of spices in their foods alot ,but persians use of spices not more and not less and use of them in logical way.In the end ,just enjoy.
A Persian Recipe For My black princess !

Its belong to Northern parts of Iran Provinces.
Servings: 2
Eggplant 1 big
Eggs: 2 Medium
Garlic: 2 or 3 of garlic not whole of the clove.
Tomatoe diced : 1/2 can or one and half big tomatoe-Make it to small diced.
Vegetable oil: base on your diet
Tomatoe paste:1 tablespoon
Salt and black pepper:on yours
1-Grill the eggplant on the oven by low flame.
2-Peel the eggplant and discard them completely and wash the eggplant under cold water so calmly and then dice it on the board.
3- Put he vegetable oil in the pan.
4-Fry the garlic in the vegetable oil just 30 seconds up to 1 minute.
5- Add diced eggplant and diced tomatoe plus salt and black pepper.
6- Let above mixture cook patiently! in the pan (put the lid on it)by 4 degree flame.
7-After awhile add 1 tablespoon of tomatoe paste in your food and mix it and then put back the pan's lid again.
8- In the end when your food was ready ,add the eggs and mix them by spoon and allow them to cook about 5-10 minutes more.It means you have to see the eggs between the mixture are being cooked and firmed and they are not being watery in the mixture any more!.
So your dish is ready my dear jaleesa.You could serve it with fried fish,or eat it with rice or bread.Hope you enjoy of eating it with your sweetheart.I wish you both have not any allergy to garlic or tomatoe or eggplant.So I found a few images from other site to show you how the cooking process are.Hope they help you.The pictures are from down to up.Love you.Stay healthy.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Potatoe Patties

Potatoe Patties:
Yeild: 1 serving.
potatoes:2 Medium
Egg: 1 Medium
Salt,Black pepper: On yours
Turmeric: 1/3 Teaspoon
Vegetable Oil: 1/3 cup for frying.
1-Cook potatoes by boiled water in the pan.Then mash them in a bowl and add the egg in it and pour the turmeric ,salt,black pepper in your mixture
2-Shape above mixture by your clean or gloved hand or use of ready circle or oval mold shaper.
3- Heat the vegetable oil so start frying the potatoe patties in it until their colors start going to be golden.
If you like Asian and mediterranean taste use of dill or parsley (fresh or dried) in the early mixture besides you could use of mashed garlic (on yours) in above mixture.
Note: If you see that above mixture is a little bit tough, you could use and add half or completely one tablespoon of plain yogurt to the mixture and then fry them.
Meat Cutlet

Meat Cutlet
Yeild : 2 Serving
Grind meat: 250 gr
Potatoes: 2 Medium
Egg: 1 Medium
White or Yellow Onion: 1 Small
Salt,Black pepper: on yours
Turmeric:1/3 teaspoon
White Flour: Not more
Vegetable Oil: Not more but enough for frying the Cutlet.
1- First put the potatoes in a pan which has water and water must cover the potatoes then put the pan on the oven till potatoes been cooked,after that peel them and mash them completely.
2- Peel the onion and graded it then dry it,I mean your onion must not have any water in itself.
3-Mix the grind meat ,mashed potatoes and onion in a bowl then add your an egg and salt ,black pepper ,Turmeric to the mixture and mix them well.
4-So you could pour the white flour on a board.
5-Shape above mixture on your gloved or clean hands or use of ready circle or oval mold shaper.Then turn them calmly on the board which has white flour on it.The white flour must cover all around of your cutlets.
6-Heat the vegetable-oil in the frying pan on your oven.
7-Start frying your cutlets in hot vegetable oil until their colors start going to be brown and golden.......
So if you have a mediterranean taste ,you could add chopped herbs such as "dill" or "parsley" in to your above mixture and then fry the cutlets.in the end you could increase the amount of your meat or potatoes and other ingredients for more serving.You could eat the cutlets with a little cooked rice or bread or just eat them with lettuce salad.Remember if you like taste of meat more ,you could use of it more than potatoes but try to have balance in your ingredients.
Question ?!.Why do we use of egg and even white flour in our mixture? .Answer: Because they make our cutlets stay firmly and steaky and fry well in the hot vegetable oil.
Hope you enjoy.
Congratulation To Paki !
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