IRAN was one of those countries which was belonged to "silk road" that started from China and continued to Iran and from Iran to the Europe.If you have studied ,Italian Marco Polo is mentioned this point in his book even in last centuries.Persian gulf is Iran history and noboby could deny it.Thats right Arabic countries are more than Iran in number and a few of them prefer to call persian gulf as Arabic golf but the truth is that all those countries were belonged to Iran in ancient time when Iran was a great Emperor.This gulf was belonged to "Persia" or "Persica" and there are so many documents that show this reality.So in this time persian gulf is a gulf which belongs to all its around countries and all those Arabic countries are IRAN brothers now.Just Iran carries its name as "forever persian gulf".Why?because its history.Why?because South Korea is always Korea and Joseon.Japan is always Japan and China is forever China.Caspian sea or Khazar sea is always Caspian sea and Saudi Arabia is always Saudi Arabia.I wonder how some Arabic countries call persian gulf as Arabic gulf or just gulf ! even United States recently would like to call it just "Gulf "!.In last government and regime they taught their students and people "persian gulf " and after 30 years they've decided to rename it ?!Isn't it alittle bit funny?!.Iran government and U.S government have problems because of Israel in last 30 years and it is not right try to change the documents and the history of a country and millions of people because of policy problems?!.Even Pentagon calls Gulf instead of persian gulf !Its look like you call Norooz an event which belonged not to ancien persia or Iran !Or you say that Mohammad the messenger was not from Saudi Arabia or he was not from Mecca!.Anyway lets always try to do and talk the right things and respect to all other nations and their histories.In the end let me thank a lot from the king and father of Saudi Arabia which mentioned persian gulf as persian gulf and he mentioned that it is a name from ancient time up to now !.Happy national persian gulf day.friday would be the day that "Imam Gholi Khan"in history attacked the portuguese army in the south of Iran and they left this country after a bloody battle in persian gulf.
How to prevent from the moths in your dressers or closets and between your dresses?!So put and keep the dried "Mugwort-Lavender-Tansy-Rosemary-Coriander" all together into a little cloth bag 10*15cm or a holder and fasten it with a nice ribon and then put it between your dresses in your dresser.Dont forget that first crush dried greens in a bowl and later put them in the little cloth bag.By this way you are comfort from the the insects besides the smell is great in your dresses.
Fatemeh zahra or fatima(in west countries) was the last and the youngest daughter of the messenger "Mohammad".She was the first one after Mohammad who died .She was 18 years old when she died.She had 3 little children,2 boys and 1 girl."Hassan-Hossain and Zaynab who god bless them all".After fatima's father passed away, the people made her bother so much.She always cried for herself and suffered alot.She had a room for her sorrow and crying in front of her Dad's grave!oh yeah she went to that room in the middle of the nights and cried and cried in her lonely.The one wicked person slapped on her saint face and tore her ear in front of her little daughter Zaynab and one kicked on her back and broke her bone in her home and because of that injury, she hurt and died after awhile.She was just look like "virgin Mary" and she had so much saint behaviors and she was like a bridge between heaven and earth in her life time.She is one of those magically spirits who comes true your wishes hopefully.
Hamideh Khair Aabadi with nick name as Nadereh passed away on monday in 86 years old this week.She was one of the most famous actress in Iran and they called her as mother of Iran's cinema.She wanted to start a new TV series and role plays as herself but she wasn't good luck !.Soraya Ghasemi is her daughter and so well known in Iran's cinema and TV like her mother, I put her 2 pictures at first.Anyhow hamideh's spirt would be in peace.
وقتی دیگر اسپری های خوشبو کننده چاره ساز نیستند و جز سردرد و حساسیت کار دیگری نمی کنند باید برای خوشبو کردن فضای خانه خودمان دست به کار شویم برای این کار می توان مقداری آب و آبلیمو را به میزان مساوی در داخل یک اسپری تمیز ریخت و آن را در فضای خانه پخش کرد. اگر کمی دارچین- میخک- زنجبیل تازه یا سبزی های معطر را درون ظرف آبی بریزیم و حرارت دهیم نیز بوی مطبوعی در فضا خواهد پیچید. آغشته کردن یک گلوله پنبه به وانیل یا اسانس دیگر و قرار دادن آن در ظرفی زیبا نیز می تواند قسمت های مختلف خانه را خوشبو کند
He is a japanese artist and lives in Tsukuba city .As you know Tsukuba is a scientific city with more than 300 institutes.He was employee in a company but 10 years ago he resigned and followed his arts ambitions.He has so many masterpieces just with papers and glue and so he has a shop in Tsukuba/Japan to show his handicrafts to the world.So many companies and magazines order him to make a special craft for them.Really his works and handicrafts are amazing,excellent and you may touch japanese work's spirit in his works.
استفاده از این آویز ها به جای گوی های تزیینی استفاده جالبی است
وسایل مورد نیاز سی دی قدیمی به دلخواه نوار تزیینی ترجیحا طلایی چسب حرارتی سنگ های تزیینی
طرز تهیه نوار تزیینی را در دست گرفته و آن را از وسط تا کنید و سپس دو سر آن را بین سی دی ها قرار دهید حال پشت سی دی ها را با چسب حرارتی به یکدیگر بچسبانید با یک پارچه تمیز سی دی ها را پاک کرده بعد سنگ های تزیینی را مطابق سلیقه خود یا به صورت دورانی یا یک در میان دو طرف آن بچسبانید .هر چه اندازه نوار بلند تر باشد آویز بلند تری با مصارف بیشتر خواهید داشت .تهیه این آویز ها برای جشن تولد و یا به عنوان حائل بین اتاق ها و یا ورودی در و غیره کاربرد دارد.برای استفاده از این آویز ها و تزیین پنجره تعدادی از آنها را با نواری در اندازه دلخواه تهیه کنید و سپس نوار ها را به قسمت بالای پنجره نصب کنید.به هر حال شما می توانید به تصاویر نگاه کنید و الهام بگیرید.که می توانید هر جور که سلیقه داشته باشید از سی -دی ها استفاده هنری کنید.حتی می توانید با رنگ و روغن روی آن ها نقاشی های زیبا بکشید You may use of your waste CDs in decorations.You can add and stick colorful stones on them or make a beautiful paint with oil colors on them or you may form the CDs in your favorites.
International conference on disarmament and non-proliferation,Tehran 17-18 April 2010 was a good meeting and happening in Iran/Tehran.The motto was: clear energy for all,nuclear weapons for none .So many countries representatives (about 60)were attended in the conference.Iran wanted a clear earth from any kind of Nuke weapons.Iran said that it is not looking for any nuclear dangerous power and it just wants to use of nuclear power for peaceful goals just like the other countries.Iran is one of the members of "NPT" and requested Israel to join to NPT too.Israel has 200 nuke missles in the area.
سریال های ماندگار تلویزیون ایران بعداز انقلاب اسلامی که بینندگان و طرفداران زیادی برای تماشا داشتندشامل این 12 مجموعه می باشد There are about 12 TV series that they 've built after Islamic revolution in Iran.They had lots of fans to watched them.I won't translate them and just to write them in farsi-penglish.Because the real translated names may have another titles and names that I don't know about them.These are something for whom to know about Iran's TV after revoloution. سریال سربدارانSarbedaran TV series سریال هزار دستان Hezar-dastan TV series امام علیImam Ali TV series سریال افسانه سلطان و شبانSoltan va Shaban TV series رعناRana سریال ساعت خوشSaate-Khosh TV series سرنخSare-Nakh کلاه قرمزیKolah-Ghermezi سریال شب دهمShabe Dahom Tv series پدر سالارPedar Salar میوه ممنوعهMiveh-Mamnooeh روزگار قریبRoozegare-Gharib
مواد لازم یک شاخه دارچین پنج عدد ادویه گل میخک دوعدد بادیان رومی یک عددلیمو-یک عدد پرتقال -نصف فنجان گل رز تازه نصف فنجان گل اسطو خودوس و چند برگ نعنا
طرز کار پرتقال و لیمو را به صورت دایره ای و بسیار نازک بریده همراه گل ها روی یک سطح صاف چیده در فر با حرارت 140 درجه سانتی گراد قرار دهید تمام مواد را با هم به شیوه دلخواه در ظرف مورد نظر معمولا یک گلدان یا جعبه زیبا و یا ظرف شیشه ای چیده در هر نقطه از منزل که مایلید قرار دهید و 2 یا 3 بار در هفته گل ها را به هم بزنید تا عطر تازه از آن ها خارج شود پس از حدود 5 یا 6 هفته عطر ظرف گل خشک از بین می رود در این زمان با چکاندن چند قطره روغن عصاره معطر مورد دلخواه مثل روغن لیمو -پرتقال -گل هاو ... را روی گل ها ریخته آن ها را مخلوط کرده سپس مرتب کنید تا زیبایی چیدمان گل ها نیز حفظ شود اگر ظرف گل گرد و خاک گرفت آن را در یک آبکش ریخته بالای یک قابلمه آب جوش بگیرید تا بخار آب گرد و خاک را بزداید از این گل ها می توان بسته های خوشبو نیز ساخت.برای این منظور کیسه های کوچک از پارچه نازک ترجیحا منفذ دار مثل ارگانزا دوخته یا خریده آنها را از گل ها پر کرده و با روبان ببندید.سپس در کشو ها و کمد لباس قرار دهید این نوشته برگرفته از خانم پرنیان نساج می باشد
اللهم صل علی محمد و آله الطیبین خدایا برای هر نعمتت صد هزار مرتبه شکر خدایا همه را به دست توانای تو می سپارم که ید الله فوق ایدیهم اللهم صل علی محمد و آله الطیبین
I said there is no one to know whats happening in my heart ?!.You said:God is between the man and his heart(Qoran-Enfal/26) I said: I have no one around,You said: we are closer than man's neck vein to himself (Qoran-Ghaf/16) I said: It seems you've forgotten me ! You said: Remember me till remember you.(Qoran-Baghareh/152) هر کس که در دعایش یادی کند زیاران شیرین تر از عسل باد کامش به روزگاران
Japan Emperor and Empress would be the best in the world as the symbol of mom and dad to clear the whole countries from all atomic weapons.They both are so polite,calm,educated with precious inherited blood ,so wise like buddha besides they have bad experience and memory from atomic bombs in their country within world warII.Don't you think so?!.
Today Iran president ;Ahmadinejad attended ceremony marking national Nuclear day.He referred again that Iran Nuclear activities is completely peaceful and Iran is not looking for the Nuclear weapons.Iran is nuder IAEU orders and wants to have this technology just like the other countries and it is its right.He added ,all the world and countries must clear themselves from nuclear weapons too and a few countries which have not any motivation must be leader for this job.Ahmadinejad informed that there would be a meeting for clearing the world from Nuclear weapons in Tehran in a few days later...... Anyhow I think any crazy and prejudice persons or fanatics in any countries who are filled by hate and fears like to have and save nuclear weapons todays.Oh my goodness ,we have just one earth,one sun and one moon,one sky,who wants to destroy all of these?!and make a cloud of other people's blood on the sky?!or melt the sky ?!,oh yeah would be possible when all of the mads start firing their nuclear weapons on each other,what would happen then?!.Nakazaki and Hiroshima are enough for human being's history.The man must be fear from any other and unknown super power and possible wicked existance or creatures in the Galaxy not from his own gender and this fear is an exaggeration.This is something that all 124000 prophets informed us about them.You mean that all of them were crazy men and liar who made and repeated a fool story again and again?!.For wise person even one witness is enough to follow the case.Who knows,It seems we are still trapped on the earth.
President Ahmadinejad ordered his country stay ready and alarm for any accident and Earthquake in Tehran and so requested his people if its possible for them ,leave Tehran to other cities !.Tehran is facing to "7 Richter" earthquake now.He said : by scientists researches or probs reports,the earthquake would be so close to Tehran.Besides one of the preachers in Tehran requested people to pray !...Oh God ,it seems that we just had not any nature disaster such as earthquake in our lives before,and it was missed and now with it; we would be full experienced !.
He is a great and famous actor in Iran's cinema.Recently he is played in "To my father ghost" and "sweet life".Not only he is a good actor but also he is a good singer .He plays in comedy movies and really he is the real cinema man of Iran!.He has lots of fans.God bless him and keep him in safe.
Mitsubishi .Co hit the jack pot!. A few days a go they informed the world that they 've made a new car which is worked with electricity.After that ;2 American car companies such as Ford and another Europian .co announced that thay would make new electrical cars in next years too.It would be a new era and new start in this industry.It seems that all countries need Atomic reactors,for producing the electricity ,however it would be dangerous for all over the world.It needs so much specialists around besides the eyes must keep watching on them for keeping safe of their water and air polutions.We have enough air polution because of the cars in the streets!besides we can't ignore the new stuffs in our lives due to make our lives easier too.Anyway,...Thank you Mitsubishi-Japan.
Happy Easter.If you care,you may notice that we put the eggs in different colors on our Norooz table set too.We believe in Easter and its because of this point that all religions have one root and that is GOD!.