بار الها هیچ لحظه ای را در زندگی خویش نیافتم که در آن یاد تو تجلی نکرده باشد خدای دوست داشتنی و همیشه همراه مهربان از تو میخواهم در لحظه های باقیمانده از عمر من برکتی عطا کنی که تنها نام و یاد تو بر آن سایه افکند تا از خوبی ها غاقل نمانم و در رویش زیبایی ها سهمی داشته باشم دشمنان و بدخواهان و حسودانم را به تو واگذار می کنم که تو کفایت کننده تمامی که تو وکیلی آمین یا رب العالمین
An Iranian fundamental particles & nuclear physic scientist ;professor "Masood .Ali Mohammadi "is terrorized and murdered in front of his home when he wanted to go to the university to teach early morning two days ago.Today is his funeral.
ملا نصرالدین دو بز داشت که مثل چشم هایش از آنها مراقبت می کرد و خیلی به آنها علاقه داشت روزی از روزها بند گردن یکی از بز ها که به تیرک طویله بسته شده بود باز شد و بز فرار کرد.ملا نصرالدین وقتی متوجه شد که بز رفته و کاری هم از دست او بر نمی آید بز دوم را که همچنان با طناب به تیرک طویله بسته شده بود گرفت و با قدرت تمام او را زد.بز که از شدت درد بع بع های جانخراشی می کرد دل مردم دور و بر را به درد آورد و مردم به کمکش رفتند.وقتی ملا را سخت عصبانی دیدند علت کتک زدن بز را پرسیدند. ملا گفت:بز دیگرم فرار کرده ! مردم گفتند:خب این زبان بسته که فرار نکرده.این را چرا می زنی؟!ملا گفت:آخر نمی دانید اگر این یکی را نبسته بودم از آن هم تند تر میدوید!و می گریخت
Anyone knows that Iran and persian nation is one of the cultured and educated and kind nation between the other nations.Iran is a big help in emergency situations in its area and it always has a long hand to help to the others.Even ordinary people always says :why we help others instead helping ourselves !.You may have such an experience ,if you have an Iranian neighbour close by your side!.By this way dear president Obama whom we pray for him alot to get the presidency ,Put Iran under Terrorists list, between the other terrorist countries.Its really unfair and disappointing issue.Sticking this label on 70 million people doesn't seem a good thing !.Soon after Obama's brief lecture, Missouri crazy gunman killed and hurt his people last night and I wondered why obama didn't announce that all missouri's state people are between the other terrorists too ?! what I mean ?... I mean that because of a crazy young Aljazirea-English man action , Obama announced and called 14 countries and millions of muslim people as terrorists that they must double check on the airports !!!.Ok .You make safe and security for all of us in the planes and the airports,thats ok !ha..ha..But its obvious that U.S embassies which give them visa or in the airports ,they don't control and check these crazy persons. In last 30 years they've always checked out the Iranians extra in all the airports and gave them U.S visa hardly ! Why?Because Iran government is with Palestine people and Gaza strip and south Lebanon people and it is not something that they wanna hide it and cover it in the secret.Its so obvious and clear and all people in all over the world knows about this subject.Terrorist action is an action in secret.Oh yeah we are living in the bad timing !.How we were so pleased and cheered that president Obama talked about passing health care insurance bill from senate for all Americans in christmas Eve.And now we must say thank you Mr president you did the great job to push and cheap our characters between our friends by calling us terrorist suspects and terrorists supporters !.Although I don't wanna say between our enemies because Iranians have no enemies between the other nations and other people .We stay friend and calm and just get help and justice from God.Because God is not an imagination.He knows anything and he is living between us.God ! you accuse them who accuse us without any sin ,God you know that we have so much problems in our lives and they make our problems double ,so you make them more problems in their personal lives.Amen.