Hey guys ! As you know or heard todays Its about a movie that is called 300,which deeply hurt Iranian proud ! and make them angry .I wanna you guys keep cool and know that its so far from the reality.I don't watch it yet but read about it in some Iranian weblogs .If you see and watch it in cinema over there and come back home angry or sorry and hurt you can just write a letter to "Frank Miller "politely and say its not true and say its beyond our historical books and so our written evidence show off something else.Or you may sign the letter which accompany with other 50,000 Iranians who have signed it due to disagree with this movie before.For your more information I'll write some weblog and website Addresses as follow : http://www.petitiononline.com/wpci96c http://www.1pezeshk.com/archieves/2007/03/lets_bon_300.html http://imdb.com/name/nm0588340 http://300themovie.warnerbros.com سلام جریان اینه که توی وبلاگ بعضی آقایان ایرانی راجع به فیلم 300 خوندم چند هفته پیش هم از اخبارای-بی سی بود یا سی -بی اس درست یادم نیست دیدم و شنیدم داشتند از همین فیلم اخیر هالیوود حرف میزدندمیگم خانمها و آقایونی که اروپا و آمریکایید رفتید سینما و این فیلم رو دیدید ناراحت نشید.تاریخ و تمدن ایران باستان غنی تر و پر تر از این فیلم های هالیوودی هست.اینو به دوست دخترهاو دوست پسر هاتون وزن و شوهرهاتون که زیاد از تاریخ ما نمیدونن و با شما این فیلم رو خواهند دید بگید در ضمن آدرس چند تا سایت ووب لاگ رو براتون نوشتم خواستید میتونید برید و برای خودتون بگردید و تحقیق کنید چه خبره توی ایرونی های دیگه.در ضمن من دکتر علیرضا مجیدی رو نمی شناسم آدرس وبلاگشو از یک وبلاگ دیگه گیر آوردم .اینه که نمیدونم چه جور آدمی با چه جور دیدگاه سیاسی هست.اینه که هیچ مسوولیتی به عهده نمیگیرم برید اون سایت و نظر بدید یا نه.به هر حال میدونم هیچ کدوم ما هم سیاسی نیستیم و توی زندگی خودمون غرقیم.اما هر جا که باشیم و با هر کس هم که زندگی کنیم عید و دوست داریمو سفره هفت سین رو هم همینطوروچلو کباب و زرشک پلو با مرغ و فسنجون و قرمه سبزی و خورش قیمه با لیمو عمانی های توش همینطور!ماست و سبزی خوردن و ریحون رو چطور ؟ میدونم جواب همه شما بله هست! پس همه ایرون و میدون شهیاد رو که با هواپیما شب میاییم پایین و میبینمش رو دوست داریم برای همین بود از این فیلم براتون نوشتم.در ضمن توی وب لاگ دکتر مجیدی خیلی نظر نوشتن بعضی ها شون حسابی عشقولانه ایرونی شون گل کرده.بعضی هم زدن زیر آواز!نظر هاشون هم جالبه .هم گاها خیلی خنده دار و بعضی ها هم خیلی تند و آثشین. به خدا میسپارمتون. A.P.Shajiee.
There are thousands of varieties of rice in the world.And there are several possible ways of classifying rice: by region,by color,by cooking properties even by price,and the one most supermarkets favour,is by length of the grain,which can be long,medium or short.As a general rule long and medium grain rices are used for savoury dishes,while short grain is used for desserts. Organic Rice(This is rice that has been grown without the use of pesticides or fertilizers.It can be long,medium or short grain.) Long Grain Rices White Long Grain Rice Brown Long Grain Rice Basmati Rice Brown Basmati Patna Rice Dehra Dun Domsiah Rice(A fine grained,Persian rice,available from Middle Eastern stores.) Thai Fragrant Rice or Jasmine Rice American Aromatic Rice Medium Grain Rices Short Grain Rices Pudding Rice Italian Rice....(Arborio,Vialone Nano,Carnaroli) Spanish Rices(Grano Largo or Variedad Americana,Bahia,Bomba) Oriental Rices (Sushi Rice,Shinmai) Glutinous Rice(Japanese Glutinous Rice,Chinese Glutinous Rice,Thai Glutinous Rice) Red Rice Wide Rice Giant Canadian Wild Rice Wide Rice and Basmati Par-boiled or Easy-cook Rice Quick-cook Rices Pre-cooked and Quick-cook Rice Frozen Rice Canned Rice. برنج هم تو عالم خودش کاره ای بود ما نمیدونستیم !برنج رو تموم میکنیم که بیشتر حرف زدنش منجر به کابوس دیدنش تو خواب میشه.It gonna be a nightmare.thats enough !ha..ha..
Rice is a non-allergenic food,rich in complex carbohydrates and low in salts and fats.Because brown rice retains the bran,it has twice the nutritional content of white rice and is therefore considered the healthy choice.This shouldn't deter you from eating white rice,however ,as all rice is known to be good for you. Starch/Carbohydrate :(Supplying energy without increasing fat intake.) Protein Minerals(Phosphorous,Magnesium,Potassium,Zinc) Fibre Vitamins(E,B vitamins,Thiamine,Riboflavin,Niacin,Vitamins B6 and Folic acid,) Attention :Brown Rice is so much richer than white Rice.
Until recently,all the rice grown on a typical Asian plot would have been for the family's own consumption,and even today less than 4 per cent is traded between countries.Demand for rice is growing worldwide,however ,and as agriculture and jobs diversify ,a greater proportion of the rice farmer's annual crop will be sold either for the local market or for export.Europe is the biggest importer of rice,followed by Brazil and the Middle East.Many rice-growing countries import rice to supplement their own crop,as in the case of Brazil,or so that the home-grown rice can be exported.In order to earn foreign currency,China exports the greater part of its high grade rice and imports a low grade rice for its own population.In parts of the Punjab where basmati rice is grown,almost the entire crop is exported.The price that basmati can fetch means that there is a huge incentive to sell this quality rice.Paradoxically,within the region,bread is more commonly eaten than rice.
...For a long time in Britain,rice was regarded in the same way as the newly arrived spices.Expensive to buy,it was used by chefs to the aristocracy to make delicate sweets and desserts ,but was not considered a food for working people.Apart from rice pudding,its most famous appearance was in the savoury breakfast dish,kedgeree,developed in India during 19th -century colonnial rule.Based on the Indian dish kitchiri,kedgeree is a creamy mixture of smoked haddock,eggs and basmati rice,flavoured with nutmeg and often lightly curried.It gained great popularity in Victorian England and is now an established national favourite.Rice was introduced to the Americas by the conquering Spanish and Portuguese,and it has flourished ever since.Nowadays,rice is a hugely important crop in many south American countries,most notably Brazil,which grows as much rice as Japan yet still can not meet its own needs.Brazile is second only to Europe as the worlds largest importer of rice.Some scholars believe rice came to North America with the slaves ,who brought the seeds with them from West Africa.It was said that only they had the knowledge of how to grow rice.Another story talks of a ship from Madagascar that was blown off course and put into harbour in Charleston,South Carolina.As a gift of thanks,the captain presented the town with some "seeds of gold",which is a type of rice named for its colour.The reality is probably a combination of these legendary stories.The first Spanish colonists in Florida brought rice with them from the Old World,along with wheat and bread. While Florida proved a congenial environment for growing rice,it was South Carolina which became the main focus for rice cultivation.Attempts to grow upland rice in North Carolina had failed but Carolina Gold,grown in the freshwater island swamps of South Carolina,proved successful.By the late 17th century Carolina Gold was being produced in large quantities.South Carolina's rice fields were worked entirely by slaves,and it was this situation that contributed directly to the collapse of the rice industry in the Carolinas.When the slaves were freed after the American Civil War in the 1860s ,the rice fields were left empty.The war put an end to large scale rice cultivation in the Carolinas and Georgia,but it did continue along the mississippi River,in Louisiana,Arkansas and Texas.In the early 20th century rice cultivation spread to California,where rice is still a major crop today.The United States is now the world's second major rice exporter.
It is difficult to chart exactly how and when the cultivation of rice spread beyond Asia.In the Middle East and the Mediterranean,wheat was initially the main crop,while in America,maize was by far the most important cereal.Rice was not known here until the spanish introduced it in the late 16th century.Rice is enjoyed in many Middle Eastern countries,and basmati rice,in particular,has a special place in people's affections.Today,the Middle Eastern repertoire of rice dishes is wide-ranging,but it clearly wasn't always so.Rice was probably introduced via northern India and afghanistan through conquest,expansion and trading.However,even in the 13th century,rice was still regarded as a luxury item in Baghdad.Rice came to Europe by various routes.Its popularity was determined not so much by its versatility,but by whether or not the crop could be cultivated.Unless rice could be produced locally,the cost of transporting it made the price high,and limited supply and demand.By the middle of this century,the cost of transporting foodstuffs became relatively cheap and foods such as rice ,once thought of as exotic,became affordable to the majority and not just the elite.In Spain,rice was introduced by the Moors,who ruled that country for about 300 years,from the beginning of the 8th century.It was the Moors who built the irrigation canals around Valencia and in the hills around Murcia,which are still used today for rice growing.The Arabs introduced a dry or upland rice to Sicily,and shortly afterwards there is evidence of paddy fields in northern Italy,around Piedmont and on the Lombardy plains.Here ,a wet short grain rice was cultivated,which most scholars believe was introduced not via the south of the country,but from Spain,where another short grain variety of rice had long been grown.Either way,from around the 14th century onwards,rules around Pisa and Milan became aware that rice was a good alternative to wheat as a staple food.After a series of devastating famines,they began in earnest to encourage the cultivation of rice.In the 18th century,piedmont rice was of such high quality that Thomas Jefferson ,then US Minister in France ,smuggled some out of Italy and sent it to friends in Charleston with instructions for its cultivation.(this was the same Thomas Jefferson who had written the Declaration of Independence and who was later to become the third president of the United States.) In parts of Europe where cultivation was not an option,rice was often regarded with suspicion,and there appears to have been some resistance to eating it.In Britain at least,it has taken many years ,notwithstanding the ubiquitous rice pudding,for rice to become truly accepted.However,rice was not totally unknown in England;in the 13th century ,knights returning from the Crusades brought back rice along with other Arabian products such as sugar and lemons.........To be continued !.
The myths of these rich cultures tell us a great deal about the history of rice,and highlight its central role in people's lives.How and when it was first grown is more difficult to discover.What is certain is that it is native to south-east Asia and has been cultivated there for perhaps 8000 years.Evidence from a cave in northern Thailand proves that rice was being cultivated from around 6000 BC.Rice ,which is a member of the grass family,grew extensively in Thailand .It is likely that early man first grew wild rice,and only later began cultivating local species.Some scholars believe that this first rice would have been dry and that wet rice was a later development.Others say that people grew whatever rice was best suited to their particular environment.Certainly rice is adaptable,and will accommodate itself to the habital;some varieties tolerate floods and cold nights,while others survive hot temperatures and relatively little water.Gradually,people realised the value of this sustaining crop,and rice began to travel.From north-east India and Thailand,rice spread first through south -east Asia,and then further afield.Rice cultivation is believed to have begun in China in the Yangtze River delta around 4000 BC,although the rice may at first have been considered nothing more than a weed as taro root was cultivated in parts of this region around this time.Rice isn't thought to have become an important part of the Chinese diet until around 800 BC.By the 9th century AD,rice was widely eaten in southern China,but in the north,where it could not be grown ,it was food only for the wealthy Remarkably,rice was not cultivated in Japan until the second century BC and even then ,millet remained the principal cereal for most japanese.Twelve hundred years later,in spite of famine, rice was still mainly a food for the rich and was not to be consumed in any large quantity for another 800 years.
Study the history of rice and you will discover that it is bound up with many strange and fascinating myths.Rice has fed more people than any other crop,and the story of its cultivation must rank as one of the most important developments in history.Almost every culture in the East has its own rice legend,and in many Asian countries these stories are still celebrated today.In Bali and other parts of Indonesia,puppets act out a creation myth,which tells of how Lord Vishnu caused the Earth to give birth to rice,and the god Indra taught the people how it should be grown.From China comes the story of a devastating flood,which left all the crops destroyed.Facing certain starvation,the people of the town one day saw a dog with strange yellow seeds hanging from its tail.Rice grew when the seeds were planted in the waterlogged soil.In the many myths from around Indonesia,Thailand and Japan,the rice spirit is always feminine.She is young and tender -a beautiful maiden,dusted with rice powder to emphasize her perfect white skin.In almost all of the many Asian cultures,the femininity of rice is reflected in the way it is grown.Men prepare the land,build the dykes and attend to irrigation,but it is the women who plant the rice ,tend it in the fields,cut it and,finally,cook it.There are numerous signs all over South-east Asia that rice is still highly revered today.A family will traditionally store its rice in a rice barn.These beautiful and elaborate buildings are where the rice spirit is said to reside until the time of the next planting,and there are often strict rules about who may enter these barns.Usually,only the women are allowed inside,and even then only once a day.
Believe it or not,this is a strange time.We may call it time of extremes.Evil,injustice,unkindness,etc.People are more far away from each other,seperated and alone.May be we are really at the end of the history !.You see ,it is not the matter of pessimism or optimism.Just reading a single page of a newspaper is enough to find out what a terrible world we are living in.this is reality.Now in this bitter reality we have to live and more than that we have to be humans.What a heavy load !.The way you handle this (being human )leads your life.You can see the empty half of that famous glass or the full half but you can not deny the glass.This is a strange time so we have become peculiar people too.Full of paradoxes and contradictions.
Pottery reached its highest development between the 800's and the 1300's.Muslim artists developed many techniques that are still used today.For example,they engraved in to slip,an earthy coating under the glaze.This technique was imitated by Byzantine and Italian ceramists.Islamic potters also painted with a metallic pigment on a white or blue glaze to produce so-called luster-painting.This difficult technique,practiced in the Middle East and Spain from the 800's through the 1600's,was also taken over by the potters of the Renaissance period in Italy.Builders used bright tiles decorated with geometric or arabesque designs for wall surfaces and fountains.Outstanding examples of tilework decorate mosque walls,domes,and minarets in Isfahan,the capital of Iran in 1600's.Tilework was an ancient persian art.Pictures of royal life in the 400's B.C.appear on tile facings of palaces in the ancient persian capital of Susa.Muslim tilework may have developed from pre -Islamic Persia.
Strange and improved civilization.One of the strange and improved civilizations in the world in ancient ages is Iran burnt City (shahr-e-sookhteh).This city which was destroyed 4000 years ago was located near Zabol in Sistan & Baluchestan province.Previous search in this ancient city showed to the researchers alot of strange things.For example they found the first animation of the world in this city.It is a picture of a goat that tries to climb a tree with five sequences.The picture was painted on a jug.Researchers also discovered that in this city women had high social level and it was so strange in those ancient ages.
Bill Gates passes away and goes up to heaven where he meets God."Well,Bill,"said God,"I'm really confused on this one.I'm not sure whether to send you to heaven or Hell.After all,you enormously helped society by putting a computer in almost every home in the world,and yet you created that ghastly windows."I'm going to do something I've never done before.I'm going to let you decide where you want to go."Bill replied,"well thanks,God.Whats the difference between the two ?".God said,"You take a peek at both places briefly if it will help you decide.Shall we look at Hell first ?"."Sure" said Bill."Lets go !".Bill was amazed!.He saw a clean,white sandy beach with clear waters .There were thousands of beautiful men and women running around.playing in the water,laughing and frolicking about.The sun was shining and the temperature was perfect."This is great!"said Bill"If this is Hell,I can't wait to see heaven".God replied,"lets go !" and so off they want to Heaven.Bill saw puffy white clouds in a beautiful blue sky with angels drifting about playing harps and shining.It was nice,but surely not as enticing as Hell.Bill Gates thought for only a brief moment and rendered his decision.'God,I do believe I would like to go to Hell"."As you desire"said God.Two weeks later,God decided to check up on the late billionaire to see how things were going.He found Bill Gates shackled to a wall,screaming amongst the hot flames in a dark cave.He was being burned and tortured by demons."How ya doin",Bill?"asked God.Bill responded with anguish and despair,"This is awful!.This is not what Iexpected at all!.What happened to the beach and the beautiful women playing in the water?"..."Oh THAT?!"said God...."That was the Screen Saver."